Dr. Rocheleau graduated from the Ontario Veterinary College in 2004 and began his career in veterinary medicine at Espanola Animal Hospital as an associate in mixed-animal practice. He purchased Espanola Animal Hospital in 2007 and began developing an interest in orthopaedic surgery at that time. Since 2007, orthopaedic and spinal surgery has developed into his passion and primary professional activity. Since 2012 he has completed over 1500 hours of course-work alone in orthopaedics, spinal surgery and canine rehabilitation and is continuously involved in various continuing education and professional development activities. Dr. Rocheleau has performed thousands of orthopaedic and spinal procedures on patients all over Ontario and beyond, including over 1500 cruciate ligament surgeries, thousands of fracture repairs and over 2000 arthroscopic procedures.
Dr. Rocheleau’s current interests include clinical research, canine total joint replacement and 3D imaging and printing applications in orthopaedic and spinal surgery. He has developed or participated in the development of several new surgical procedures and surgical instruments, some of which are in publication and have already been incorporated into the curriculum in the training of new surgeons. He is a consultant for Arthrex Vet Systems on several projects as a researcher and developer. Dr. Rocheleau frequently lectures at various international orthopaedic conferences and at local continuing education events for general practitioners. Dr. Rocheleau is also the author of numerous publications that include peer-reviewed research, surgical technique guides and chapters in upcoming surgical textbooks.
Although there isn't much time left over for hobbies, Dr. Rocheleau is keenly obsessed with fly fishing and is happiest when a conference is taking place near a clear mountain stream. Dr. Rocheleau is also a Red Seal chef and enjoys both growing produce and cooking for friends and family.
He is owned by Chip, a very charming three-legged bulldog who was hit by a car as a four month old puppy. He was abandoned in a ditch during the winter in a remote northern community. He is also owned by Ollie, a sweet and affectionate little grey cat from Pet Save.
Rocheleau PJ. Arthroscopic placement of a toggle rod to correct coxofemoral luxation in a dog. Veterinary Surgery. 2018;47:970–974.
Rocheleau, PJ, Holz, KA, Peura, AH. Ex-vivo evaluation of arthroscopically-assisted shoulder stabilization using an intra-articular aiming device. Proceedings of the 47th Annual Veterinary Orthopedic Society Meeting, Sun Valley, Idaho, February 1-8, 2020.
Rodrigo, R., Peura, A., Kowaleski, M., Watson, M., Lendhey, M., Rocheleau, P., Hulse, D. Ex-vivo mechanical properties of a 2.5mm bone anchor for treatment of cranial cruciate ligament rupture in toy breed dogs. Veterinary Surgery. 2020;49(4):736-740.
Rocheleau PJ, Robson A, Bird SD, Pickersgill MM, Holz KA. Short-term outcomes of 43 dogs treated with arthroscopic suturing for meniscal tears associated with cranial cruciate ligament disease. Veterinary Surgery. 2024;53(5)881-892.
MiniPushLock® CCL Anchor Surgical Technique For Toy Breed Dogs and Cats. Arthrex Vet Systems. October 2019. Rocheleau, PJ, Hulse, DA.
- Association for Veterinary Orthopedic Research and Eduation (AVORE) Winter Meeting 2018, San Diego, Ca. Arthroscopic placement of a toggle-rod to correct coxofemoral luxation.
- Veterinary Arthrology Advancement Association (VA3) August 24-25, 2018, Naples, Fla. Arthroscopic assessment and treatment of coxofemoral trauma in the canine
- World Veterinary Orthopedic Congress (WVOC) 2018, Sept 12-15, 2018, Barcelona, Spain. Poster Presentation, Arthroscopic Placement of a toggle-rod to correct coxofemoral luxation in a canine.
- ACVS Surgery Summit 2018, Oct 24-27, 2018, Phoenix, Az. Arthroscopic placement of a toggle-rod to correct coxofemoral luxation.
- AVORE Winter Meeting 2019, Jan 24-27, 2019, San Diego, Ca. Review of Canine Shoulder Instability Diagnosis and Treatment
- AVORE Winter Meeting 2020, Jan 16-18, 2020, San Diego, Ca. Ex-vivo Evaluation of Arthroscopically-Assisted Shoulder Stabilization Using an Intra-Articular Aiming Device
- Veterinary Orthopedic Society (VOS) Conference 2020, Feb 1-8, 2020, Sun Valley, Idaho. Ex-vivo Evaluation of Arthroscopically-Assisted Shoulder Stabilization Using an Intra-Articular Aiming Device
- Veterinary Arthrology Advancement Association (VA3) August 24-25, 2021, Naples, Fla. Arthroscopic Medial Shoulder Stabilization Through a Lateral Approach
- AVORE Summer Meeting 2022, July 21-23, 2022, Santa Fe, NM. Arthroscopic Meniscal Suturing in 44 stiffles in 43 dogs
- Veterinary Arthrology Advancement Association (VA3) September 2-3, 2022, Munich, Germany. Arthroscopic Meniscal Suturing in 44 stiffles in 43 dogs
- European Society for Veterinary Orthopedic Research and Traumatology (ESVOT) Conference 2022, September 21-24, 2022, Nice, France. Invited Speaker, lectures on advanced arthroscopic techniques in the arthroscopy session
- ACVS Surgery Summit 2023, October 13-15, 2023, Louisville, KY. Abstract Presentation: Arthroscopic Meniscal Suturing in 44 stifles in 43 dogs.
- AVORE winter meeting 2024, Jan 25-27, 2024, San Diego, CA. Invited speaker, lectures on arthroscopy of arthroplasties, spinal endosurgery
- Ontario Association of Veterinary Technicians (OAVT) Conference. Feb 29 - March 1, 2024, Hamilton, ON. Invited speaker, numerous lectures on veterinary orthopaedics and sports medicine.
- British Veterinary Orthopedic Association (BVOA) Meeting. March 19, 2024, Manchester, UK. Keynote speaker, lectures on advanced arthroscopy, stifle hyperlaxity and surgical treatment of grade 3 tendinopathies.
- Veterinary Arthrology and Traumatology VA3 meeting. June 26-29, 2024, Naples FL. Arthroscopy of arthroplasties.
- Movora Basic and Advanced MPL course. July 25-28, 2024, Boston, MA. Course instructor.
- Hills Pet Nutrition – Regular Lecturer, multiple speaking dates 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 on various topics in veterinary orthopedics and spinal surgery. RACE approved CE for general practitioners. Multiple lecture series across Northern Ontario, 20+ lectures of 1-2 hours duration delivered​